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Chant Your Heart Open   

acts as a cosmic channel

beaming to you from

the future to bring

a perspective grounded in the

awareness that everything 

turns out just fine.


sing about this life --

death, pain, heartbreak,

joy, transitions, transcendence ... 

All of it



Join singer/songwriter

Wendy DeMos on

vocals, guitar, and harmonium


Often accompanied by 

Juanpi Medeles on

violin and keyboard

Join a "kirtan-ish" experience

that celebrates life and

nourishes the heart.  

"Wendy's music is deep, tender, and full of love."

Kate Munger, founder of Threshold Choirs



A fantastic, heart-opening evening with

amazing music by extremely talented

and delightful musicians.

Thank you so much, Wendy and Juanpi.

Jane Kendall


"A beautiful heart-opening performance

by Wendy and Juanpi.

Whenever I experience their shows,

something dark in me

shrinks away a little bit more.

Dennis Committee

The spirit of humanity often shines best when
expressed through song.
Concerts blend original songs as well as 
mantras, meditation, and meaningful moments.  


"We are pure frequency, so when we sing

and express our souls,

we are vibrating at the frequency of love."


At a Chant Your Heart Open gathering,

songs arc from introspection

to self-awareness,

self-love, forgiveness,

then arriving at a healing space

filled with joy.

Sing along, close your eyes,

and take in the

touching words and sounds.

Some uplifting mantras will

make you smile with joy. 

And the most affecting pieces

convey a poignancy that will

ache in your heart

long after the final note fades.

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I am working on a new recording! 
If you find joy and nourishment in
Chant Your Heart Open songs,
please consider supporting

with a donation. 

And if you already donate,

The new record will include
"You Are Safe"
"My Hiding Place"
"Downtown Eastside"


Kissing you with musical kindness

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