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Sacred Sexual Music Festival​​​​​​​​​
The Sacred Sexual Music Festival serves as an
educational, social, and spiritual gathering place
for those who seek to listen deeply, share,
heal, transform, laugh, cry, play, and remember when
our bodies were seen and known as sacred.
For more information about the online and in-person events in
Canada and around the world, click here
Wendy Cobina DeMos specializes in
devotional and uplifting songs and mantra with
As well as offering music, she is a
Kundalini Yoga teacher,
Death Doula,
Energy Healer,
founder of the Sacred Sexual Music Festival.
These Festivals began in Vancouver, Canada, in 2018 and continue today.
Wendy is based in Vancouver, Canada
and Ajijic, Mexico.
Wendy's experience and training
ISTA School of Temple Arts Teacher, Israel ISTA Festival 2018 - Teacher of Juicy You! and Kundalini Yoga workshops
Intimacy Educator training with Caffyn Jesse, Somatic Sex Education
Somatic Experiencing & TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) with Jane Courtney
Orgasmic Meditation with One Taste
The Labor of the Life, Death and Transition Doula with Wilka Roig, MA, MFA, PLC
Advanced Care Planning - Living Well & Dying Well with Loretta Schenk Downs
Kundalini Yoga Teacher 200 hr training. Yoga West, Vancouver, Canada
Quodoushka training, Level I, with Amara Charles & Mukee Okan
The Way of the Heart training with Dorothy Becker, Gateway, Level 1 & 2
Experience with Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt, and Family Constellations Therapies
Osho and Ecstatic Dance workshops and practices
Offered Juicy YOU! Dance Journeys worldwide
The Sacred Strip Tease, training with Diane Greenberg
Training with Taoist Master Mantak Chia, Sedona, Arizona
Workshop facilitator at Sedona Temple and Phoenix Goddess Temple 2010
Study of A Course In Miracles with Sarah Huemmert
Reiki III
Healing with Crystals workshop
Margot Anand, Love and Ecstasy workshop
Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Training, ISTA School of Temple Arts, Level I
Tantra training with Evalena Rose
Ecstatic Institute Living, Tantra workshop, Lokita & Steve Carter
Peer Counsellor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
KWMR Radio Host - The Canadian Connection - music and news from Canada. Point Reyes Station, California
Attended Songs for the Thresholds of Life workshops led by Threshold Choir founder Kate Munger
"Honorable Mention" in the 2013 International Song of the Year songwriting contest for the song "Until Now."
The Artist's Way - Conducted 13-week workshop courses with small groups to foster creativity
Created and hosted Chant Your Heart Open Festival, Abbotsford, Canada
Created and hosted THE HOLY LONGING PROJECT, Ajijic, Mexico
Created and hosted 8 online and in-person Sacred Sexual Music Festivals
Journalism, Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada
English Literature (B.A.) Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
"I delight in bringing forth the sensuous, artistic,
heart-full, dancing, wild, juicy YOU!"

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